Adobe Flash Player 14 drives innovation for rich, engaging digital experiences with new features for cross-platform browser-based viewing of expressive rich internet applications, content, and videos across devices. This beta release provides access to the Flash Player 14 runtime for Mac OS and Windows desktop environments.
Adobe Flash Player 14 allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, advertisements.
Adobe Flash Player 14 Top features:• Stage 3D accelerated graphics renderingExplore a new architecture for high-performance 2D/3D GPU hardware accelerated graphics rendering by Adobe, which provides low-level Stage3D APIs for advanced rendering in apps and gives framework developers classes of interactive experiences.
• Native 64-bit supportFlash Player can now take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
• H.264/AVC software encoding for camerasStream beautiful video from your computer’s camera with higher compression efficiency and industry-wide support, enabling both high-quality real-time communications (such as video chat and video conferencing) and live video broadcasts.
• Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS)Protect streaming video across devices without the complexity of a license server.
• Content protection support for mobileFlash Access content protection support is now available on Android devices. Broadcasters can now reach and monetize an even broader range of customers on their favorite mobile device.
New and Updated Features in Adobe Flash Player 14.0:* Supplementary haracters enhancement support for TextField – This is a desktop enhancement for supporting surrogate pairs in the TextField control. Now, characters out of the Basic Multilingual Plane(BMP) with Unicode code points between U+10000 and U+10FFFF will work correctly in the TextField control. It greatly enlarges the code point range we support and includes characters like emotion symbols (emoticons) and complex CCJK characters. This feature has been under an extended beta period. We anticipate this being included into the release version of the Runtime 14 release.
* Full screen video message tweak – We’ve made a small tweak to the “Press Esc to exit full screen mode.” message that’s seen on full screen video. We’ve heard for sometime that this message obscures content and we wanted to make a change that both satisfies security concerns and customer viewing enjoyment. To help, we’ve simply moved the message towards the top of the screen from it’s original centered position.
* New Stage3D texture wrapping modes – Currently you can set the wrapping mode of a texture to either clamp or repeat. Using the repeat option will repeat the texture on both the U and V axis. However, in some use cases, you might only want to repeat the texture on only one axis, either u or v. This is now possible with two new parameters: REPEAT_U_CLAMP_V and CLAMP_U_REPEAT_V.
* Stage3D Anti-Aliasing for Render texture – Anti-Aliasing is a useful technology to improve image quality. We’ve now implemented hardware based Multisampling Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) on desktop platforms. To enable this please set the level from 0 to 4 in Context3D’s . setRenderToTexture()
• 0 = 1 subsample, no antialiasing
• 1 = 2 subsamples, minimal antialiasing
• 2 = 4 subsamples, medium high-quality antialiasing
• 3 = 8 subsamples, high-quality antialiasing
• 4 = 16 subsamples, very high-quality antialiasing
New and Updated Features in Adobe Flash Player 14.0 (PDF)Homepage – – Flash Player Release NotesLink Download
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